Thursday, 26 January 2012

....The slumps..part 3.....

.....Yes i know, I'm still in slumpsville....but it is lifting slowly but surely......Dulcy (at Dulcys doorstep), reminded me that sometimes its good to take a break from things for a bit until the creativity starts to flow i took her very good advice and sat back a bit and allowed things to just run there what have i been up to these last few days............lets see..........

.......I hung a painted bird from the ceiling................

.........hung some knitted bunting in the window.......

.......watched a huuuuuge box set of the Tudors......I'm about half way.......i just love this series.....

......found this in the mother in laws attic.....

.....been slowly adding more squares to the woodland blanket.....

.....and have two new books.......though i have learnt a lesson this week........'always read the front cover of a book properly first before purchase'.........i got so excited about the picture on the front cover and then even more excited about the pictures inside the book, that i bought it without actually reading what it said on the front cover...............

......Yes....MASTERCLASS.........'oh'!.........................well thats not me when it comes to sock knitting, i've only made one pair, ....and when i read through it i thought ...'well this is way out of my league'.................great pictures though......................check it out..........

......and then there's this one for crochet......
......complete crochet heaven......

......I think for the time being, i shall just be crocheting away at the 'woodland blanket', and not think about starting anything new until my slumpiness lifts..............i just hope that i don't bore you all senseless with never ending progress of the woodland blanket, tah tah for now, and see you all real soon........hugs Pixie xxxxx

Friday, 20 January 2012

....Small wonky knitted felted ring thingy giveaway...... it goes......

......The first winner of a small wonky knitted ring thingy iiiiiiiiiiis.......

....YAAAAAAAAAY, round of applause goes to 'Sassafras and winterberry'.YAAAAAY.

......and the winner of the second small felted knitted ring thingy goes toooooooo......

.....YAAAAAAY, clap clap clap its 'Winkieflash'.....YAAAAAAAAY......

.....And the final one goes tooooooooo.....

.....YAAAAAAY, well done 'Soul soup sister', YAAAAAAAAY.....

.....So well done ladies, just send me an email with your addresses and i shall pop them in the post asap......and of course commiserations to the lovely people that didn't win this time..

...Love and hugs Pixie....

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

.....The slumps.....

....As you all know i have been having an extreme attack of the today i decided as i had got the afternoon of work (and the rest of the week for that matter due to  Mr Pixie having an operation  and needing me to make numerous mugs of tea and fluff pillows etc etc), i decided that i would give my little work room a bit of a going over, is, i have to say, in a horrendous mess, and i was wondering if this horrendous mess was adding to my slumpy feeling, so after filling various bags marked with 'charity shop', 'attic', and 'rubbish' the room still looks as messy as it did is that?.........oh well.....
anyway.....on standing back and viewing the messy room i realised that i had got without even noticing it,.....another collection, (you know how i like to collect things)....(especially magazines, bags, and suchlike),....i realised that i had got an amazing amount of.....well these............................................... cards........i have collected absolutely loads, and never actually realised it........i have, without me even thinking, been sticking them up all along my shelves and on bits of wall in my workroom without even realising i was doing it......................till now !!

......Loads and loads of little bits of artwork.......................everywhere.?!

.....obviously I'm not going to load all of them on here, it would probably take me hours and even more probable bore you all to tears........but fancy that,...a collection that i didn't realise i had till now.............lots of little bits of artwork in there own right.............

.....Anybody else out there have an unusual collection that they didn't think was a collection but actually it is !.........funny the things we hoard, isn't it.

.....x x x Pixie x x x.....

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

.....If i have been quiet of late.....

....i apologise....

....i seem to be in a winter slump.....

....don't get me wrong, i love winter, in fact its my favourite season.....i just seem to be in a slump..... creative mojo has gone walk about.....

....taken a trip.....

.....and i am not liking this feeling....of being in a slump....

.....i think that may be my word of the moment....Sssssllump.....

....i hope it goes soon.... i shall just leave you with this for now, until i return with the winners of the felted ring draw on Friday..................something wonderful..........

....Mr Pixie and I saw the stage show of this and i cried from start to finish.............

............................................................Truly wonderful........................................................................

......and here's a clip of the stage show......

Sunday, 8 January 2012

...Hello, hello friends.....

......So i have a wee give away.....and it is literally 'wee', do you remember a couple of posts back i made some knitted felted rings from a pattern that was free to everyone on the 'Tiny owl knits' site......well i made so many that i have a few floating about so i thought that i would offer out these to anyone who wants one.........i have three up for grabs, so three lovely followers can win one.............................if you do just drop me a comment, and i shall do the draw on the 20th of January.

......Also.go and have a look at Dulcy over at 'Dulcys doorstep', she has the knitted ring bug too.....

Thursday, 5 January 2012

...Easy peasy lemon squeezy....

....No excuse not to pick up those needles...............................................................................................

....especially if your a beginner, and don't know where to start...then start with an easy peasy project....

.....Hap,hap, happy knitting.....
x pixie x

p.s If your a beginner at knitting then this book is for starts with the dishcloth and slowly introduces new patterns so as not to scare you off....this was a good beginner project when i first started knitting, it even has a couple of sock knitting patterns in it..............before you know it you will be knitting gnomes and foxes too....x


Monday, 2 January 2012

Hi there...and happy new year to you all.....

.....I think today i am just going to show you where I'm at with my woodland blanket, its been a bit slow in the making mainly because of Christmas and all the other things that had to take priority but that's all finished now and a new year starts so hopefully i shall be able to really make some progress with it now...........................

....yes....not much to show i know....each square is quite a slow project as its a bit more tricky than a granny....

....i have been thinking on how i am going to bring this piece together when i have finished it....i know i shall just sew each piece together but i think i might do a random square here and there with some other added interest to it...shall have to think more on that one......and also the edging,  i want a big bold edging that's quite different, but i cant decide what.....i may knit the edging it would give me more scope if i knitted it...........we shall see..............................................

........Also i have been popping over to my favourite knitting site 'Tiny owl knits' and i have been making some of these......

.....felted rings....

.....very quick to make and would make lovely little pressies for friends......
......well...that's it for now i shall be back soon with more progress....and possibly a little give away.....

......Happy new year everyone.....
x x Pixie x x