....no, not a hot flush....or face to face with Hugh Jackman ( haaaaaah)...no no no.....
....i have actually got to 200 followers, well just over 200 in fact....after three years of blogging (yes three years) i have 202 followers.....thank you thank you, all of you.....
....I think i may need a glass of something bubbly....
....So i think with this long awaited for achievement i shall have a GIVE AWAY......YaaaaaaaaaaaY...
....And i am going to give away, one of my 'Mad hatter watch brooches'.....YAAAAAAAY...
....lets say it again.......YAAAAAAAAAAAY.....
....So, if any one of my most splendiferous followers would like to nab themselves a 'Mad hatter watch brooch' just leave a comment...or two if you want, and i shall do a draw.....hmmmm when shall i do the draw......ummmmm......oh i know, how about February 14, valentines day.......
....So that's set then.....a give away, its been a while since i did one and i think this is a most excellent time for one......thank you again folks for following this little nook space of mine, you are all wonderful.....huggy hugs...xxxxxx
.....OK moving on, i don't know if i ever told you, but quite a lot of years ago i used to make 'puppets', yes 'puppets'.....and then i kinda stopped making 'puppets' as i discovered YARN....
....And i thought i might show you one of my 'puppets' that i still have, to you.....
....wanna see?.....her names Helga....
....shes a wee bit dusty, and she has a few chips here and there....
...oops, don't know why that picture came out blurred...
....she wears leather sandals...and has blue toe nails...(no idea why!)....
....bless her....she sits and watches me sow upstairs in my work room, she took possession of my fox scarf, i actually think it looks better on her....she has lots of dread locky type hair with beads and things sewn into it...
....there quite big dolls and are quite heavy too, every little bit of her has been made by me, and shes fully jointed too...
....this one is 'Morgaine', i never actually finished her, she still needs a bit of painting, and also some clothes....plus shoes......i would like to think that i will eventually finish her...one day....
...she has leather woven into her hair....
...and again the blue toe nails!....and a bit dusty too....
....so that's those....and now here is were i am at with my blanket......i have a feeling i may be doing this one for a long time....
....I have to say, i have been enjoying crocheting this one, its quite a quick pattern to churn out, and you can get three or four squares made in a short space of time....
....But its that same old story.......NOT ENOUGH HOURS IN THE DAY.....
....So there you go...a give away, a puppet and a blanket....
....Have a lovely rest of the weekend folks, and see you again soon....
Huggy hugs