...yet again i have been side tracked and tempted to the delights of yet another crochet project when i haven't even finished this...
...this i still don't know where i am going with it, it just seems to be a square of nothingness,
....and then there's also these...
....something else i started and haven't got round to adding anymore to...
and now of course there's this....
....aren't these the bees knees, there i was doing a little snoop through my favourite blog sites, one of which is Lucy over at
Attic 24, and there it was, the most fantastic wrap, shawly throw thingy that she is making, you really do need to go and have a look, she has given the link to a
lovely lady who has designed the beautiful flower pattern and other crochet delights. So here we go again yet another project started and none finished, and to think i have just had a week off work, which has been pure bliss and still haven't managed to complete anything. Still..... going back to bed in the morning with my tea and my book has been absolute heaven....x