Sunday 21 August 2011

.....into the woods....

....for a much needed escape into the quiet of trees and birds......and the complete silence.........

.....our journey began at the first sign post.......................

......we found small homes.....that we tiptoed past quietly.....

......and we walked on into the quiet.....

.....past another sign post....

....and further onwards...

.....we found a rest stop, but we carried on....

....we finished our journey at the oak....

....then it was time to go home.....we felt much rested and restored, we thanked the woods and its trees for giving us the entrance into its peace and quiet and allowing us both the chance to unwind and catch our breath............i was very sad to leave, my heart is in amongst the trees and the woods and it made me sad to go............but its good to know they are there when needed..



  1. the woods and tree's makes a wonderful escape dont they?- no better place to be ;0) lovely images- i felt i was there...x

  2. What lovely inviting photos, I would love to follow those paths!

  3. Love going into the woods and the peace and quiet, love the photos :-)

  4. I love walking amongst trees so much, a lovely post!!

  5. There's nothing better than a walk in the woods, its all kind of magical xx

  6. lovely~it looks very like the woodland walks here in the new forest~they really are special walks to take and recharge :)
