....Many many years ago ( im talking about twenty years ago ) a lovely lady used to live in one of the cottages opposite me, her name was Julia....and her and i got on really well, we shared a lot of the same thoughts and ideas about nature, and spirituality, at the time i was teaching a very small group of people meditation and she used to do Indian head massage, in fact i used to be one of her heads to practise on.....she had an allotment and grew all her own veg and sometimes i would come home and find a bag hanging on my front door with runner beans or rhubarb in it....
....then one day i came home and she had put a little book through my door....
....and it changed my life....
....not in a great big big way but in a way that reaffirmed all my inner thoughts about the Goddess or mother nature if you prefer....and our connections to all things on this planet....
....The book was....
....The Earths cycle of celebration... by Glennie Kindred....
....so i want to share with you this author and her beautiful little books...
...all the art work is her own too...
....this book i have treasured all these years, and along the way i have added to it...
....The sacred tree....and Creating celebration i bought from the gift shop at Avebury....
....Avebury is an incredible place too, so eerie and peaceful, you just feel compelled to hug the stones.....well i do, ,but then i hug anything.....x
....Elements of change i bought from 'The Goddess and the Green man in Glastonbury a couple of years ago......oh how i love this shop....go have a look ''Here''...
....and this little Herb book turned up in my Christmas stocking one year....i think that was when i started working in the herbalists.....and i still work there now ten years on....
....Mother nature has the answer....so true....
....Anyway.... a little story, and a little bit of sharing....if you already know of Glennie Kindred then do drop me a line, perhaps you have a story too.....or if this is your first introduction then i encourage you to take a pathway stroll Here.....
.....She might change your life too...